Thursday, July 15, 2010

West Seattle Food-down

Ari, however you spell his name, reads my blog! Someone all the way over in Michigan or Wisconsin...well far away anyhow reads it! Course it seems he never comments (which, by the way, has me seriously thinking about moving this over to Wordpress so I can track views and what not) just like most others who peruse this web page frequently, but really that sounds like more work than I am willing to put in at this time for now.

So Friday the 16th was an eventful day, lots of food and drink tasting and a little walk/hike on Alki , and some reading of Cryptonomicon. I have been a fan of Neal Stephenson ever since I read Zodiac, a pretty darn good eco thriller. I have a fondness for these types of things (eco thrillers and saving the world and all that jazz), like the Audi A3 Super Bowl Green Police Commercial. After I saw that I wanted that job really bad. Course I want one of those cars as well.

But anyway, let's get on with the reviews, shall we?

First I visited Two Beers Brewing and had a beer and chatted with owner/brewer Joel. I have visited Two Beers before, and have enjoyed their beer on tap at such well known places as the Bothell Main Street Ale House and the Montlake Ale House. Always good, always refreshing, they just consistently make and serve a darn good beer, in my humble opinion. Joel is having some decent success in ...ask him some questions here and have a q & a.

I then rallied over to Elliot Bay Brewing in West Seattle to drink some of their potion and try their food offerings to the food review blog gods.

Should I walk along Alki here or after the Italian meal?

Then it was off to Cafe Revo for a nice Italian meal and some wine.

...or not!

What a day that would have been, but alas, best laid plans and all, right?

Well, what actually happened was I did meet Joel and all that. I then tried to go to Naked City Taphouse but they do not open until 3pm! What? I am starving now and need a beer as well! How could you?

So, guess what? I can not recall what I did then. Crap. That is what I get when I do not update on a as I go basis or even, * gasp* more often! The thought, the sheer brilliance of it is a bit...well blinding and all that. But not only do I owe it to you dear, dear reader, but to myself as well. I am sure some day in the far off future my memory will begin to fail me even in some greater capacity and I will be reduced to reading these very same pages to fill in the gaps on my pothole marked memory.

So I planned a picnic and had the crazy idea of making PB&J in a ravioli form and serving it with a strawberry goji berry type sauce that is sort of kinda like jelly I suppose. More sauce like, no knife needed to spread it all over.

My take on a summer time picnic PB&J

Ravioli (used Whole Wheat flour), stuffed with honey roasted peanut butter that has been mixed with maca, a twist of salt (just one really) cinnamon and nutmeg, boiled, slightly broiled to give the cooked pasta a caramelized toasted bread bend to it. The sauce is homemade strawberry goji berry goodness.

Let me just say, making these guys was a total pain in the ass. Probably due to the very affordable ravioli die I was using in my vain attempts to be frugal. The next time I make ravioli I will use white flour instead of whole wheat and maybe even use a high end machine to churn them out.

The Product

The Drink

Not sure what to call this here combo, it was good (well, I liked it at least). Not as good as my watermelon, gin blend (dubbed the Wet Ruby) but good non the less. I did use that Ginger People drink thingy, but I would have liked to have juiced my own ginger juice, that would have been awesome. Man I miss my juicer.

The Helper


ps...dang! I missed July, like that *snaps*! And now when I wake up, some mornings smell like Fall.

Dear Summer,
Our affair was much too short for my liking. Please come back to me.
Forever yours truly,