Thursday, December 7, 2017

Stranger Things Season 3


Well, not really. This is just a wish list of things I hope happen in Season 3.

Seeing since the Duffer's love 80's and tropes, this is what I'd like to see and hopefully I am predicting things correctly and they will eventually invite me to help write an episode or 4.

1: One of the gang members leaves!
Like Karate Kids 2 (released in 1986), which opens up and Daniel's love interested and mom are no longer around or seen at all! But not that extreme.
One of the gang is moving, like Max or Lucas. The heart break of them not being together anymore, would mimic/mirror El and Mike, where they would be separated but then come back together near the end of the season for some last second saving and as kicking!

2: Nancy get's pregnant, but by who?
The 80's were littered with teenage pregnancy (see there, her name is even in the word!). Having her have a fling with Steve after having already slept with Jonathan, would lead to even more intrigue and soap opera like 80's drama! Even better? The birth (in season 4) is something not of this world, or maybe it is a normal baby, but born in the UpSide Down, or born in the normal world but then snatched away to the UpSide Down? Pick one, the all sound good to me.

3: The main action of the season is a potential "poltergeist" and a psychic comes to town to help deal with it.
Horror themed, ghostly apparitions, more invasive attack from whatever is in the UD. Maybe town folks start to become infested/possessed with slugs, and now there are multiple "spies". Since the gap was closed off, the big bad in the UD uses the radio and tv waves like El did, and infects victims that way; creates temporary portals in the Tv to suck them in, infect them, and spit them out.
Lucas's little sister could be the one who gets nabbed, for additional drama and then Max returns to help save her, solidifying their relationship.
Plus, who doesn't like a good psychic showing up and helping out.
Bonus: a Native American psychic or shaman shows up as well, or is the main psychic.

4: More 80's nostalgia overload.
Roller skating rink? Maybe the gang is seen leaving a movie theater and they are talking about how good or unbelievable the movie was, and the scene shot widens to reveal the marque: The Goonies.
The journalist writes another column about the poltergeist infestation as being part of the Russian Cold War program. Threat of nuclear war hovers  and gets mentioned a few times. Maybe some Japan robot toys, electronic, get possessed by the big bad from the UD? That may be too cheesy.
They need to eat pizza. And one of them needs to get into programming.The small taste of it in S2 by.  the dearly departed hero needs to be followed up. War Games inspired, and that leads to the squelching of the robots controlled by the big bad in the UD.

I'd write fan fiction but I am too busy (lazy) and have other things to do (nap).

- Joshua