Friday, December 5, 2014

Wait, what?

So I am now a graduate of College, and at 41, I have to say huzzah! And wait...what just happened? Is that really it? I'm done? Well....shit.

I am pleased to have earned it, hope it earns me some employment clout (and the income), and maybe gain the respect of others who are also graduates. But of course, there will always be those who have more education and experience than me, and I will just have to deal with it.

Part of me wishes that I could be a student forever. Seriously. I wish I could get a degree in logic, English, philosophy, Greek mythology and math. I really enjoy the learning process and education system of higher ed. That is one of the main reasons that one of my life goals is to teach at a community college. I know, you might be thinking way to set a good goal, community college. In my experience, my most memorable learning experiences came at community college and it shaped me in profound ways and encouraged me to transfer to a state school and acquire my BA.

I think I might be in shock also. I literally just turned in my last assignment, ever, and am drinking a beer and thinking about the huge wide gaping void in front of my, intellectually speaking, and am pretty scared.
I used to worry about how long winter break was and how if I did not keep up my good habit of diligent reading and studying how I would not fair well in the next quarter. Now, I have that same sense of dread, but there is no next quarter to look forward to.

My hope is to land a job that I have no idea how to do, and use my skills and research abilities to become proficient at it. And then I'll have to learn more things, like how to buy a house and all that good stuff.

Good news, well, for some anyway, is that I am planning on moving back to the Seattle area. So, I have that going for me. For now I will still be working at REI and looking for more work and ways to increase my ability to earn money, for bills and all that.

For now, I have to work out some nervous energy and start planning on what the hell to do next.

Until next time....


Well hello there

Hi everyone,

Sweet goodness, it has been a long time. Man this has got to stop. I mean, my long leaves of absence. Not the internet. Well, some parts of the internet...maybe.

So, I have been busy. School, work, trying to make a long distance relationship work, missing family in the Midwest like crazy, making beer, drinking beer, my goodness it is all so much.

Hope you have been enjoying yourself in the meantime.

I saw Agent Orange and Guttermouth (whose videos are odd to watch as compared to seeing them play live, video fails to capture their true magic and essence) at The Shakedown in Bellingham. What a great show that was. Loud, fast punk with "dancing" that was physical enough that I backed away, least I fall and break a hip. I am getting old, time is a bitch.

My ears hurt and were partially impaired for at least a day after that show, as they ought to have. A great show indeed.

Then I got to see The Joy Formidable play at The Neptune Theater in Seattle. I did bring some earplugs as I have seen TJF before and they get loud. Such a great band, and I can't recommend them highly enough.

Sadly, I had no camera to document these events.

I have been cooking a little, but as busy broke college student it is hard not to make the pasta with tuna and salsa or grab a slice and pint at the bar, because it is easy and even though cheese will do a number on me I am just lazy sometimes, okay?

Good news is, I miss this thing, this poor substitute for paper internet blog thing. I miss typing and trying to, with limited success, convey my experience, thoughts and whatnot to others. Why? Because this is the only reason, or a very large reason, for living a good life. Giving back and contributing to others.

I recently went to a trivia night with two very drunk and competitive friends. I was there for for a break from the stress of my life than to win anything, and the baseball game highlights were on also so I was passively playing. We ended up in a tie for third place and we had to have a trivia showdown with them. The rules were simple, you had to raise your hand then say the answer. Once you raised your hand, you could not confer with your team for the answer but had to answer. If you got the answer wrong, the other team gets a chance to win the point and thus the showdown as first to answer one answer correctly wins third place.
So, apparently all the team members were either a) not bright or b) drunk, or both. I was and am both. All the time.
This goes on for about 3 questions, and my two companions haphazardly raise their hands without truly knowing the answer because, like I said, the are competitive. Then the other team answers a question that I can't believe they missed. The question was "Name the metal with the lowest melting point". The girl on the other team said "Gold", which was wrong and I answered the right answer.

I knew this answer was correct, because it was taught to me many years ago by my uncle. In fact, many things I have learned from him; how to change the brakes and oil on my car, how to shoot a gun, how heavy lead is, the best defensive position in a building, and what metal has the lowest melting point.

It is mercury (it is liquid at room temp!).

While I like the Metal Men, and my love of comics may have had a role in my knowing the answer, I maintain that my uncle is to take credit for my knowing the correct answer. 

Check out this video about Magic Mercury. Vaporized mercury sounds scary as hell.

Also, why aren't comics informational like this anymore?