Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Tractor and some lentils

I recently went with some friends to see the movie "Strange Powers", a documentary about The Magnetic Fields, and I happened to be in the area earlier than expected. Well it turned out to be serendipitous as they were just getting ready to go eat at The Kingfish Cafe. So I joined them.

I had never even heard of this place, but sure am glad I found out about it. The space itself is a tiny, cozy and split in two; one side has the bar and seating, the other an open kitchen and additional seating. The cuisine is southern, and they serve it up in large portions. Not only are the portions large, but all the dishes I sampled that night were pretty damn amazing. I mean all the dishes we had were just incredible. The collard greens were especially impressive, drenched in a vinegar sauce that was slightly sweet. It literally was the best tasting thing on the table that night. And addicting. I could have eaten three sides of that by myself for a meal and been totally content. But, we had other things as well. The red beans and rice was great and both were cooked perfectly. The mac and cheese was all sorts of goodness, although, because dairy and I don't really get along, I only had one bite. So, if you're in the mood for some great comfort food, grab a friend and head to The Kingfish Cafe.

Stretch your dough (ha, get it, dough and it's about home made bread?)

Baking bread seems like an economical thing to do, so while I was shopping the other day I bought the things I needed in order to do so. The main issue was I have not baked in, like, two years or so. I mean bread type things. I have baked cookies, but that is really a whole different ball game.

I also did not have a bread recipe in my collection. When I used to bake/cook it was mostly dessert breads or quick breads (and to be honest, I always thought the quick breads I made back in the day could have been better). The only thing I used yeast in was the pizza crust dough.

So I hunted and pecked around online and ended up using this recipe for the occasion. But, alas dear reader, as you may have noticed by now that I can't leave well enough alone a plain old recipe. No! I must tinker and toy with it to no end! So I ended up adding: 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/4 sunflower seeds, and 1/4 cup wheat germ. I also used honey instead of sugar.

It turned out surprisingly well, even though, like most men, I failed to read all the instructions and only let it rise for half the amount of time, called it good, and threw it in the loaf pan to bake.

I will say this, it was a little sweet. I was really in the mood for just some fresh bread, more a carrying device for the butter I slather on it. The honey added a little too much sweetness for my liking, that will be corrected in the next go around. But to be sure, all the bread was consumed.


The Choir of Young Believers pretty much rock as well. Listen for yourself. In fact their label, Ghostly International, has a few bands that I really enjoy.

Sharon Von Etten is great as well. Here is a song (video is not hers, fyi...) and she was on NPR also. If you have not heard, NPR is a great place to discover new really good music.

Okay, so the snow day I am on today is great, and Cheryl at KEXP playing great songs non-stop, so here is Dan Deacon if you have not heard about him.

Clap your hands.


The Tractor Tavern

I found myself in Ballard on a Tuesday night in search of a beer and some live music. Good thing I went Ballard, they have plenty of both.

Playing at the Tractor that night was : Smile Brigade, Julia Massey and the Five Finger Discount, and Airport Way.

I missed a little of Smile Brigade as I was down the street enjoying a beer, but I caught the last half of their act and they were pretty damn good. They also clearly really enjoy their craft, so that made it all the more enjoyable. I can't really say what they reminded me of, but I did enjoy their rambunctious tunes they were laying down.

Julia Massey and her group were really talented, especially their bass player. He was killing it all night long. The drummer reminded me very much of Chris Daly from Texas is the Reason and Jets to Brazil, very nice. Julia herself sounded like Joanna Newsome, but without all of her unique inflections and harp sound. They had some pretty good songs, but a few weaker songs. It's almost as if they are still getting used to each other, sorting it all out, and not really trusting themselves to be in this band. The bass player was super nice, between songs he ran into the crowd and shook peoples hands to thank them and hugged the obvious couples in the crowd. And then, zoom, back to the stage in just the nick of time to play again. Awesome.

Airport Way I had heard of before, probably on KEXP, so I was interested to hear them because of this. I was a little confused, I only had time to listed to three songs before I had to leave to catch the bus home, but each song was different. I mean, they are talented people, but please, settle on a sound. Unless of course, not having a sound is your sound. The first song was folk-ish until the end then it rocked out. The second song was a equal parts 311 and Sublime, and the third song was clearly inspired by the Chili Peppers. Oh well, I was off the bus anyway.

So I started a sourdough starter, from scratch, pretty cool. I just hope I can keep it alive and use it. I also started a kefir with coconut milk. I think that is going to be great. Can you tell I am into cultured and fermented foods?

I also made some really good lentil soup.
Want to know how? Okay...

Well, the real trick is to start with some left over soup as the base. I cooked one cup of green lentils with two cloves of chopped garlic, added a Tbs of turmeric, a dash of cayenne powder, salt, and a spoonful each of: powdered cat's claw and Health Force Earth (google it). After it all cooked for about 20 mins, I added two stalks of chopped celery, 1/4 of a diced red onion, a Tbs of sesame seeds, 1/2 cup chopped red cabbage, and two talks of kale chopped. Cook for another 10 mins or so. Test the lentils to make sure they are soft, and serve. I topped mine off with a sprinkle of hemp seeds and some salsa. It was much better than I had hoped it would be, and I am pretty sure it is because I started with the old soup base. It was the previous batch of lentil and diced tomato soup.

The truth of the universe.


  1. Dang it! I forget to mention Caroline! Hope all is going well for you my friend.

  2. The date at the top is wrong, wrong, wrong. I posted this just yesterday. I see the issue, that is when I began the entry and saved it until it was fit to print. Lesson learned.
