Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Puerto Vallarta

So I recently took an early trip to Puerto Vallarta. I say early because the quarter was not over and I missed two classes. Don't worry, they were not vital nor were they exam days. I made sure of that.

The good news is this was my first international trip, so I had to get my passport. The flight was fine and on time. Landing in PV was odd, there was no special things about arrival in PV. A long walk to customs, a fast moving line, and then you get bombarded by the time share guys who own the last 50 yards of real estate at the airport before you can get outside to get a taxi. (As opposed to leaving PV, you literally walk through a duty free mall the entire way with lights, music, it was all a little overwhelming).

Speaking of taxi's, all the drivers are crazy, they drive way too fast. Well, they did not wreck so that is good, but the narrow streets seem to call for much lower speeds. These guys are like ex World Class Rally champs or something. Or they play way to much Grand Turismo in their spare time. I can understand the need for speed as they make money off of the number of trips they can fit into a day. But seriously, slow the f down. Can't take the peso with you amigo.

The ride from the airport to the resort was... interesting. PV is a relatively poor town, and being exposed to that was really eye opening for me. The resort was some sort of sanctuary, cordoned off in a different district with a security gate. No poverty at the resort. But a short walk down the beach to the fishing village reveals more of the same as downtown PV. An odd experience, one that I am still trying to decipher as to what it all means. At the time I was uneasy at the spectrum of differences between the two areas. To be honest, I was a little sickened. Still am. But I readily admit that I have no idea as to the circumstances, the politics, the economic past or outlook, and my first blush impression that I have has no real meaning as far as judgments go.

At least it was warm and for a little while sunny. Summer has yet to hit here in Bellingham, even though the sun tricked us a few times this past month by making an appearance. However, as I write this, cold cloudy rain, or should I say, the usual, weather is occurring.

Speaking of Bellingham, I am on break! The quarter has ended and I get a whole week and a half off. Oh what to do with myself. Hopefully I can work lots so I can to get some dollars in my account.

So my major plans have been shaping up nicely. Urban Planning and perhaps some regional planning in the future. It is such a fascinating area, and so relevant to my personal interests. I have yet to be exposed to all that it has to offer, but I am currently enthralled with New Urbanism and what it has to offer and say. Check out these two planned communities, and truly they are communities. The Kentlands and Seaside, FL.

While these are great, I think they make a strong case for proper urban infill development rather than expanding growth out into new green areas.

I am looking forward to doing some leisure reading over the break, and have currently in my possession Hamlet's Mill, which I have wanted to read for some time. But I also have found out that a book I read for my English class two quarters ago, Ready Player One has a easter egg hidden in the book. Literally, it is a book about easter eggs in games, and then it is revealed there is an easter egg in the book itself. The prize is a Delorean. I also have another book, that I probably won't get to over break, called Deep Green Resistance.

Last but not least in this post, is that I miss music and cooking so much it hurts. I long for the days of brunches, mimosas and band practice on Sundays. My summer goal is to meet some musicians and form a little band up here, because it is much needed in my life. My blood is beginning to revolt in my veins, I can't hold out much longer. Must play drums!

As far as cooking goes, well, as long as I live in a house with a tiny impotent kitchen with 3 other college students, I might as well start a cooking blog about how to make ramen over a fire in the woods. It would be great to find a new place with a better kitchen, but the price of this place is hard to beat. So until I win the lottery, this will have to do for now. I have been eating lots of brown rice, peas and carrots. With a dollop of miso. Peanut butter and honey sandwiches also. Both have been surprisingly good.

I have found that the Kulshan brewery here in Bellingham is great for beer, and they have a food truck parked out front permanently that makes some killer fries. Have I mentioned this already?

I also recently discovered a beer called Churchkey Can Co. beer, which makes and sells their beer in a flat top steel can. Their six packs comes with a church key to open the beers with. Super cool experience to open a steel can and drink the insides. Just like some old school tough guy. Or trendy hipster. Whatever, it is a great idea and a damn good beer, so try some.

Also, this drink here will be made this summer one way or another. Love that green juice.

Apparently Jurassic park is really going to happen. But in zombie form, or at least that is how it will start. I remember reading some time ago some zoologists were thinking of trying to implant Mammoth DNA into a Elephant egg and then have it carried to full term to bring back the mammoth. My only thought about that was, they must know that a pole shift and ice age are imminent and want to populate the world with a hardy species they can hunt to live off of. That is smart thinking there, superb planning.

German Scientist have discovered that condoms might cause cancer. Can I stop wearing them now? Thanks.

Until next blogging happens, stay safe my friends.

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